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Power your network with Cox Business Carrier Solutions

Get unmatched speed, reliability, and reach for wireless and wireline providers with Cox Business.

Our data-driven world demands powerful network performance

Cox Business Carrier Solutions provides your customers with an infrastructure that delivers exceptional service.

View our Carrier Solutions E-Book to learn more

High capacity and speed

High capacity and speed

From 10Mbps to 400Gbps

Support growing data traffic with cutting-edge internet, ethernet, wave and custom fiber solutions.

Low latency

Low latency

Ensure smooth performance

For real-time applications like 5G, 
video conferencing, and cloud computing.



Reach a wider audience

 Access to over 61K fiber on-net buildings, 15K fiber-fed wireless towers, 30K miles of metro fiber infrastructure, and 632K fiber near-net buildings.

Scalability and flexibility

Scalability and flexibility

Adapt to changing network demands

With flexible solutions and a commitment to continuous 
network upgrades.

Cox Fiber Backbone Network map

Every Cox Market is engineered to have "triversity", providing three diverse fiber backbone routes into and out of every market.

Cox Fiber Backbone Network map

The benefits of choosing Cox Business

Proven track record

Proven track record

Providing fiber services since 1991

Delivering reliable telecommunication services and a strong reputation for innovation and 

Future proof technology

Future-Proof technology

Industry-leading network uptime

Our continuous investments in network upgrades help you to ensure seamless connectivity.

Streamlined tools and portals

Streamlined tools and portals

Reliable 24/7 support

Enhance efficiency and manage your business seamlessly with our suite of advanced tools and portals.


5 ways to streamline your business

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Tailored solutions for your needs

Wireless providers

Wireless providers

Enhance your network performance with high-speed fiber solutions, streamlined small cell deployments, and expert support for complex builds.


Explore Wireless Solutions

Wireline providers

Wireline providers

Expand your reach with our extensive network footprint, diverse speed options, and efficient installation process.


Explore Wireline Solutions

Wholesaler support

Broadband Services

Streamline service delivery and customer acquisition with our suite of wholesale broadband services, intuitive online tools, and dedicated support team.


Explore Broadband Services

Ready to power your network?

Fill out the form below and one of our dedicated experts will contact you.

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