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Save Time, Money, and Headaches with Managed IT Services

Some of the most powerful value propositions are also the most straightforward. Managed as-as-a-service IT solutions fall squarely into this camp. They’re delivered by a managed services provider (MSP) over the internet or network connection instead of your business’ own hardware or software and deliver immediate, tangible benefits on several fronts:

  • Technology benefits, including access to the latest feature sets, improved visibility, centralized management, automatic patching, and enhanced security.
  • Financial benefits, including scalability, lower total cost of ownership (TCO), and OpEx vs. CapEx advantages.
  • Labor benefits, including access to specialized talent and reduced burdens on your internal IT teams.


Let’s explore just a few examples.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) delivers IT infrastructure like compute, storage, and network resources on a pay-as-you-go basis. With IaaS, you can request and configure the resources you need to run your applications and IT systems while bypassing the costs and complexities of purchasing and managing physical servers and data center infrastructure. Advantages of IaaS include:

  • Increased performance and decreased capex – With IaaS, you can avoid costly upfront capital outlays to support future growth while avoiding the trap of having sunk costs in outdated infrastructure.
  • Increased scalability and flexibility – IaaS scales with your company as you grow and can also swell with your operations for seasonal- or event-based demand.
  • Increased support for disaster recovery and business continuity – Cutting-edge IaaS data centers are built with redundancy in all potential failure points — power hardware, software, network, physical security, and connectivity.  

Backup as a Service (BaaS)

Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) backs up and replicates all of your data, including file systems and business applications, in a secure data center. BaaS advantages include:

  • Data loss prevention – With BaaS, you can reliably protect your data from human error (e.g., accidentally deleted files or forgotten/lagging backups), malicious actors, power surges and natural disasters, hardware theft, and other risks.
  • Automatic backups on your timeframe – BaaS routines can be scheduled at times that work best for your network utilization. They also can provide real-time backup when you need it.
  • Remote access to your data – BaaS allows you to access files at any time, from any location with Internet access.  

Security as a Service (SECaaS)

Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) isn’t just convenient—it’s a necessity. That’s because two realities are colliding:

  • Cybercriminals and their malware can strike from anywhere, at any time, with more potency than ever before.
  • Businesses assets have more exposure from more attack vectors (e.g., suppliers, software integrations, remote workers) than ever.


SECaaS fights fire with fire, delivering automatic, adaptive protection that, like cyberthreats, never sleeps. Benefits include: 

  • Comprehensive security – Protect all points of vulnerability, including networks, cloud infrastructure, applications, endpoints, and users.
  • Data Protection – Secure mission-critical data and meet compliance requirements.
  • Risk mitigation  – Safely enable the efficiencies and benefits of cloud, remote, and mobile work models.

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

Disaster Recovery as Service (DRaaS) provides continuous data protection (CDP) to keep your company functioning – or to restore operations – when disaster strikes. Benefits include:

  • Reduced Downtime – Meet fast recovery time and recovery point objectives (RTOs and RPOs).
  • Advanced Protection – Experience enterprise-level infrastructure and encryption security.
  • Expert Management – Rely on managed disaster failover protection and recovery.

Cox Business provides a market-leading portfolio of these and other “as a service” solutions to help your business maximize IT productivity securely and profitability. As your technology partner, our team of experts can help identify the right solutions for your company. We also help you focus on your core business by delivering and managing a wide range of IT needs. 

Ready to save time, money, and headaches with managed IT services?
Contact a Cox Business Specialist Today!

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