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Get Smart: Connecting through Smart Living

July 21, 2021

Work smarter, not harder. We’ve all heard it a million times, but are we living up to the mantra?

Technology has the power to inform, support and connect, but it’s especially valuable to solve the everyday problems we all face – think forgetting to turn off the lights before going to work, soothing a restless baby in the middle of the night or even finding time to vacuum the living room.


“Smart Living” is one of the best ways to make your busy lifestyle a little less hectic and add some free time back into your day. But don’t worry, you don’t have to be a tech guru to have a smart life or a smart home. There are simple ways to implement Smart Living into your daily routine, whether you’re retired or a brand-new homeowner.



Know your options


Your home is dynamic. It’s a place for running around with your toddlers, pulling an all-nighter to study for midterms, relaxing in the living room after your 9-to-5, perfecting a new recipe and more – often all at the same time! Cox’s smart home technology allows your house to be as dynamic as your home and keep up with your day-to-day life.


Cox recently built a Smart Home in Las Vegas to showcase our smart home technology in action. A stand-out feature from the home is Cox Homelife Security. With this feature, you can get access to automation tools like a smart lock, doorbell, security cameras and an alarm system, giving you the peace of mind you need when you’re at home or away. This feature is also great to monitor for and scare away any potential front porch package-pirates.


Other tools like the Cox Smart Thermostat can be controlled via the Cox Homelife app on your phone and tablet or the Contour TV voice remote. This gives you the freedom to adjust the temperature from anywhere in your home or set a schedule for your thermostats to adjust at a certain time, allowing more control over your monthly power bill.


The Las Vegas Smart Home comes equipped with kitchen gadgets perfect for those who love cooking or could simply use an extra hand in the kitchen. The Uutensil Auto Pot Stirrer and Hamilton Beach Smart Coffee Maker are helpful for multitasking, and the Bartesian Cocktail Machine is the perfect way to treat yourself and wow your guests.



Don’t be intimidated


Some of you may be thinking that there is no way you would ever know how to use that many gadgets day-to-day. And while that’s certainly understandable,  smart home technology is intended to make your life more simple, not more stressful. According to a recent Cox survey, over half of all respondents, ranging from Gen Z to Baby Boomers, are already using smart technology in their homes. Plus, 94% of respondents feel that using their smart home technology is easy.


Plus, these features offer a smart way to save, too. Energy saving tools throughout your home aren’t just great for the environment, but they’re great for your monthly bills. Of the respondents who use smart technology to save on their bills, 68% reported a decrease in their monthly payments.


Of course, these features may not run as seamlessly or efficiently if you don’t have a solid wifi connection. Though the vast majority of survey respondents said that their Wifi is doing a good job at keeping their smart technology connected, there are always ways to improve your home wifi. Cox Communications also offers Panoramic Wifi, which is one of the best ways to ensure that you and your home are staying connected.



Find the smart balance


Smart Living looks different for every person and home, it depends on your unique needs. What’s important is finding the perfect balance so that you can make the most of your time and stay connected to what you love. While some users may relish installing every gadget they can get their hands on, others may be content with playing music thanks to a quick “Hey Alexa?” The beauty of smart home technology is that its customizable and scalable to your interests and needs.


The pandemic has taught us many things, among them the importance of both connecting and disconnecting. The good news is having smart technology throughout your home can help you do both. It may seem ironic, but more digital connections can truly help you make more time for personal connections too. For example, the iRobot Roomba vacuum runs itself so you have more time to enjoy with your loved ones. The time-saving opportunities are endless.



See it for yourself


Keep an eye out for the Cox Smart Home virtual house tour so you can get all the details on the technology designed to make your life a little easier.


Working and living smarter gives you more stress-free time to get back to what you love with who you love, all while your smart technology handles the heavy lifting. 


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