February 27, 2020
Before you post on social media, make sure you’re not doing these things.
From food photos to breakups, social media has made oversharing a norm.
However, putting everything out there via the internet can leave you vulnerable to several negative consequences. Before you publish your next post, read about the six common ways people overshare online.
1. Posting Every Meal
Going to a 5-star restaurant? Instagram-worthy. Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at home? Maybe the whole world doesn’t need to know. Pictures of food can make our mouth water and help promote a new (or favorite) eatery. But posting every meal you have may be just a tad excessive. Unless you’re trying to drive traffic to your new food blog, it’s safe to eat your meal without a side of documentation.
2. Airing Your Dirty Laundry
Bad days happen, and when they do it’s normal to want to let out some steam and vent. However, the internet may not be the most appropriate venue, especially in the heat of the moment. For example, if you’re having issues with roommates not cleaning up after themselves or you were fired from your job, think about how you want to share that information before posting it. Saying anything about someone else can make both parties look bad. And remember once you share something, it’s difficult to take back even if you delete the original post.
3. Sharing Intimate Relationship Details
Do you have an on-and-off again relationship? If “it’s complicated,” the details are probably best kept private between you and that person. Sharing information online only invites others to weigh in on your decisions. Moreover, posting about every argument or breakup leaves you open to ridicule. You’ve probably seen several celebrities navigate splits in the public eye. Why subject yourself to the same scrutiny? Instead, talk to close friends and family members in person. Advice is best served from those who truly know you, rather than someone looking in on your life from behind a screen.
4. Announcing Your Location
Dining at a new restaurant or visiting a destination is something everybody wants to brag about. However, “checking in” or tagging your location may put you in danger. Don’t make it easy for strangers to find you. Wait to tag your location until after you’ve left and make sure your profile is private before sharing your whereabouts.
5. Sharing Embarrassing Photos of Others
Posting an embarrassing photo or video of another person is never a good idea. Even if you think it’s funny, you may hurt their feelings or put their reputation at risk. If you have children, it’s important to teach them the consequences of cyberbullying. As a general rule, always ask for permission before posting something about someone else.
6. Sharing Every Aspect of Your Life
The more you share, the more people know about you. This can put you at risk for identity theft or worse, put you in danger. Be careful about where and when you tag your location in apps like instagram and Facebook, especially if you're traveling alone.
In addition to making your profile private, make sure to secure your wifi. If your wifi network isn’t protected, a cybercriminal can easily access any data you chose to share online. Protect your information by installing a software firewall, creating a unique network name and updating your wifi router firmware. Cox customers with an internet package and Cox Certified Cable Modem don’t have to worry about updating their firmware – Cox automatically takes care of that for you.
Social media is a great way to share our lives with the people we love. Just make sure anything you post is truly is something you want public.