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Enjoy the exhilaration of multi GIG speeds
Stream, game, and browse simultaneously from the network that has multi GIG speeds available.ø
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There's only one step to update your services - chat with us. A dedicated team member will help add services or update your plan to create a new package that has everything you need. Be sure to have your Cox PIN and SSN on hand so we can verify your account.
Live chat available: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 9 pm ET and Saturday - Sunday, 11am - 8 pm ET
Shop GIG and Multi GIG Packages
On top of reliable internet, make the most of your package with add-on options including Panoramic Wifi, unlimited data, advanced tech support and streaming
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Our Fastest internet delivers big features
Multi GIG speeds are hereø
Work remotely, reliably
With 1,000+ Mbps, you won’t compromise that big meeting because of a slow connection. Our fiber-powered network keeps your video conference humming—even if others in the house are online at the same time.
Cox Internet is fiber-powered and connected to the premises via coaxial cable.
More gaming, less lagging
From playing against friends around the world to livestreaming your progress for fans, we make all your gaming go smooth and steady thanks to Multi GIG speeds from Cox.
Stream services seamlessly
Multi GIG Internet lets you get more out of your entertainment services. So if you can’t agree on what to watch, everyone can still stream their favorite shows on their own—all in crystal clear 4K.
Cox Internet vs. 5G Home Internet
Faster, more reliable speeds than 5G Home Internet
Are you getting the home internet speed you need with cellular-based 5G internet? Not when the signal has to navigate buildings, trees, windows and more just to work.
Cox Internet add-ons
Add to the experience with Cox add-ons
Frequently asked questions
What is gigabit internet?
Gigabit internet (formerly called Cox Gigablast) means that 1,000,000,000 bits of data is transferred through the network in one second. Cox Go Super Fast Internet (1 gigabit internet) is roughly 50x faster than average DSL speeds, with download speeds up to 1 Gbps (1000 Mbps). Some customers can upgrade to Go Beyond Fast Internet (2 gigabit internet) speeds and receive download speeds up to 2 Gbps (2000 Mbps).
Is there special equipment needed for gig and multi gig internet?
To make the switch to Cox 1000 Mbps or 2000 Mbps download speeds, you'll need a Ethernet cable and router. If you are a Panoramic Wifi customer, we will rent these device(s) to you. Once we set you up, you'll have access to the best speeds possible, both when you're plugged in or wirelessly connected. You can also bring your own modem or router.
What's the difference between a megabit and gigabit?
Confused over gigabits and megabits? If your current internet speed is 10 Mbps (megabits per second), Cox Go Super Fast Internet offers up to 100 times that (1 Gbps). With all those extra megabits, you can stream a full-length HD movie while you download a dozen more, video chat while you play a multiplayer game online with minimal lag, or download data faster than many computers can write data to a hard drive.
What's the difference between Cox Gigablast and gigabit internet?
Gigabit internet refers to Cox’s high-speed internet offering, which was formerly called Cox Gigablast. Get connected to gig or multi-gig internet on our network, which is top-ranked for both speed and reliability. Work, stream and game with ease via Cox home internet.
A note about pricing
Prices exclude taxes, surcharges, usage-based charges, certain equipment, and other fees or charges, which are subject to change. If your package includes internet, promotional period runs from first installation of Internet service, even if you change speeds. After promotional periods, regular rates apply; see for current regular rates. Pricing, packages, and policies are subject to change. Other restrictions may apply. "No annual contract" means no minimum term period requirement and no early termination fees. A credit check and/or deposit may be required. May not be combined with other offers or discounts. Advertised rate and taxes vary by service location. Not all services available everywhere.
About Go Super Fast Internet
Go Super Fast Internet connection download speeds up to 1 Gbps or 940 Mbps based on the ethernet capability of the in-home modem. Actual speeds depend on capability of end user devices and other factors. Customers who signed up for service prior to 9/26/2017 are provided with an Unlimited Data Plan at no charge. Other restrictions may apply. See for more information.
About fiber internet service
ONT device and compatible router required for service. For current download/upload speeds for all Cox Internet tiers, visit the Speeds and Data Plans page. Uninterrupted or error-free internet service, or the speed of your service, is not guaranteed. Actual speeds may vary based on type of equipment used, environmental and structural conditions in your home, number of users and other factors. Maximum available speeds may vary depending on service area. For more information on Cox Internet, see Cox Internet Service Disclosures.
About data
All Cox Internet plans include 1.25 TB (1280 GB) per month of data usage. In your area, we don’t currently charge fees for exceeding data plans.
All Cox Internet plans include 1.25 TB (1280 GB) per month of data usage. Additional Data Plans can be added for an additional monthly charge. Excess usage is $10 per additional 50 GB block. Unused data does not roll over. For more details on data plans and data usage, see and
Existing customer pricing
Rates, and/or when applicable, term agreements, may differ from those presented here as a result of customer’s existing account features, such as pricing, bundles, term agreements, or service address. Applicable monthly service charges, installation, additional equipment, taxes, trip charges and other fees may apply. Rate subject to increase if any prerequisite service is downgraded or canceled. All prices and packages are subject to change. Subject to credit approval. Other restrictions may apply.
About Advanced Security
Requires Technicolor CGM4141 or Arris TG1682 Panoramic Wifi Gateway; Panoramic Wifi customers with other models may click here to upgrade device at no additional cost.
About all-in pricing
**Additional services can be added at then-current regular rates. Rates and discounts subject to change when adjusting or removing any of your services or rented equipment.
Pricing, packages, and policies are subject to change at any time, including when adjusting/adding/removing services or equipment. Prices do not include applicable taxes, surcharges, usage-based charges (such as data, toll usage, pay-per-use service), and other fees. After any promotional period, regular rates apply (see Prorated charges may appear on your bill if you change services before the billing cycle is complete. Rates, and/or when applicable, term agreements, may differ from those presented here as a result of customer’s account features, such as existing discounts, bundles, term agreements, or service address. Other restrictions may apply. All services and plans subject to Cox Residential Customer Service Agreement (including mandatory arbitration provisions), Acceptable Use Policy (including Cox’s right to terminate service for abuse of network), and other policies at:
‡Cox Internet is powered by fiber and connected to the premises via coaxial cable.
*Based on the number of households within Cox serviceable area that can receive GIG download speeds.
***Based on Cox’s analysis of Ookla® Speedtest Intelligence® data during 2H 2024 in Cox serviceable areas. Speed reliability based on Consistency Score™ comparisons.