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Changing the Homelife Touchscreen Display


You have the ability to change the home screen on the Homelife touchscreen to one of the following displays.

Display Type Example
Security Image of Default home screen
Clock Image of Clock home screen
Weather Image of Weather home screen
Cameras Image of Multiple Cameras home screen

Follow the step below to change the home screen display on your touchscreen.


From the home screen, tap the Settings icon.
image of the Homelife Touchscreen home screen highlighting the Settings icon


Tap Display.
image of the Homelife Touchscreen home Settings menu highlighting Display


From the Display menu, tap Home Screen Options.
image of the Homelife Touchscreen Display Settings menu highlighting Home Screen Options


From the Home Screen Options page, select the display option that you want to show on the home screen.

  • Security
  • Clock
  • Weather
  • Cameras

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